Rinse, Wash, Repeat: Common Polluters

Rinse, Wash, Repeat: Common Polluters

Awareness of environmental pollutants coming from our personal care and household items is spreading across the world. In various reaches of the earth, groundwater is deemed unsafe to drink, male fish have turned up producing eggs, amphibians are missing limbs, and air quality is jeopardized.

Think about what you wash down the sink on a daily basis: it ranges from toothpaste and soap to shampoo and body wash. These products often contain triclosan, added to prevent bacterial growth. Once washed away, triclosan makes its way into water bodies – having the potential to cause reproductive defects in wildlife, as well as break down into cancer-causing substances.


Face washes and body scrubs that contain microbeads pose unique threats to wildlife. These beads are typically made of plastics, listed as polyethylene or polypropylene. Their tiny size enables them to flow through water filtration systems and enter streams, rivers, and eventually lakes and oceans. Tiny zooplankton and fish intake these particles, moving them up the food chain - which can block the digestive tracts of hosts, and leak toxins into the bloodstream.

We can help protect ourselves and our environment by reading labels. Another word to search for in a label list is simply “fragrance.” Hiding behind this simple term can be hundreds of different chemicals. Many of these ‘buried’ ingredients can mimic hormones in all animals, disrupting natural hormone production – responsible for everything from mood, sleep, digestion, and more. The mission of Absolute Green is to produce products from quality ingredients that won’t harm the environment or our personal health. We proudly post all of our ingredients and their purposes on our website. After all, what’s good for the Earth - is good for us.





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